Point 2 Point – Details TBC
Club members and non-members are welcome, with entry-level competitors encouraged to attend.
It will be a timed event suitable for entry level and experienced competitors alike, ages 12 and up.
DATE: Mid May
TIME: 7:30am
Members $120
Non-members $140*
TIME: 7:30am
Members $120
Non-members $140*
Food available: There will be a coffee van in the morning with snacks available, and plenty of fast food outlets nearby.
To participate in the Club’s Motorsport Championship you need to be a financial member of WRXCWA and points will be awarded according to the CMSC rules.
The event is not hard on you car and does not require any special car preparation other than the usual attention to brakes, tyres and having a 1kg fire extinguisher securely fastened. A helmet and non flammable clothing covering wrists to ankles with appropriate footwear is essential. A minimum of a Motorsport Australia (MSA–formerly CAMS) Speed or Junior Speed Licence is required for competitors. Licences can be purchased prior to the event through the website link below.